

Donated Wings

In years previous, we have been very fortunate to have wing donations from such great sponsors as Sysco, Tyson, Smart Chicken, and Food Services of America. We greatly appreciate any and all wing donations to help supplement the quantities of food offered at this event by our many excellent cooks!

Family cooking chicken wings

Key Information

-Store food at 41F or below

-Prepare food at the event as much as possible

-Don't handle raw food directly

-Use gloves when cooking and handle food with tongs, or other clean utensils not having been in contact with raw food.

-Bring multiple sets of tongs to ensure plenty of clean utensils for replacement multiple times during the event.

-Thoroughly clean or replace tongs after contact with raw chicken to prevent cross-contamination.

-Ensure chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165F.

-Verify proper operation of thermometers. An ice bath can be used to verify temperature reading of 32F.

-Do not participate in cooking should you become ill.

-Bring a bleach bucket and rinse bucket (recommended)

-A bleach bucket is a tub capable of holding a gallon of water mixed with one teaspoon of bleach used to sanitize utensils.

-The following is ideal:

-Tub 1 (Detergent) - Tub containing a mixture of clean water and dish soap to wash cooking items

-Tub 2 (Rinse) - Rinse tub containing clean tap water

-Tub 3 (Sanitize) - Bleach tub containing a ratio of one tablespoon of bleach to one gallon of tap water (5 minute contact time with items being washed)

-Tub 4 (Rinse) - Rinse tub containing clean tap water

-Tub 5 (Air Dry) - Empty tub to place washed items to air dry

NOTE: If your recipe is intensely HOT, contains extreme heat from known hot peppers, or contains known food allergens such as peanuts or nuts of any kind, please provide adequate warning signage to inform guests!!!